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Playing with grammar – How do we teach grammar, so the pupil remember it

How do we teach grammar? Or more importantly: How do we teach grammar, so the pupils remember it?

OBS: Arrangementet har været afholdt.

Praktisk information


Onsdag d. 2. december 2020
Kl. 10.00 - 16.00


En uge inden kursets afholdelse


1.145,00 kr.


“Playing with grammar” is a hands-on course, designed to give language teachers new insights into how to use physical activities, to stimulate pupils into recognizing and learning diverse grammar forms in texts and exercises.

Very often pupils are left to sit quietly in the classroom, working through page after page of grammar exercises.
This, however, seldom leads to an understanding of how they use language in practice, or transfer it when doing. written work.

Through social interaction and by stimulating the language and learning skills, we will play our way throughout the day, using a hands-on, functional language teaching approach to absorb grammar.

Alle the games can be used and modified for different grammar structures and different languages.
So even though the teaching will be in English, you can transfer all of the ideas into other languages.

OBS! Medbring computer og/eller iPad.

You will be presented with ways of supporting your grammar teaching, using hands-on, practical ideas and activities to stimulate your pupils of all levels.

Teachers teaching 5th-10th years.

Sarah Nakel, English teacher and advisor


Corona information

KP’s campusser er helt åbne for fysisk undervisning, eksamener og gruppearbejde. Der er ikke bestemte krav til at komme ind på campus, men vi skal stadig passe på hinanden.

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  • Vi bliver hjemme, hvis vi er syge
  • Vi holder afstand til hinanden
  • Vi vasker hænder eller bruger håndsprit ofte

Bemærk, at der er tale om anbefalinger baseret på Sundhedsstyrelsens generelle råd. 


41 89 91 40

Mandag-torsdag kl. 8.30-15.00
Fredag kl. 8.30-14.00